Taco meat, rice, and cheese baked to perfection! Can be served great on its own, in lettuce wraps, or your favorite type of taco shell! Garnish options...
Avocado chicken salad is packed with flavor and, as a dip, pairs well with crunchy Snack Factory® Pretzel Crisps®. Using canned chicken makes it quick...
This simple arroz con pollo recipe is a cinch to prepare with a few GOYA® pantry staples. GOYA® Adobo lends irresistible flavor to the chicken; GOYA®...
Cheer on the Cornhuskers with this Nebraska-inspired dip. It's loaded with black beans, corn and authentic guac flavor, thanks to McCormick® Guacamole...
Warm ham and cheese go together like broccoli and cauliflower. And we've put that in the mix, too. Our hearty, creamy pot pie looks restaurant-worthy and...
A medley of sweet, savory, and smoky flavors come together in this classic comfort food dish. See the recipe below in partnership with Hillshire Farm®...
Inspired by a snapper Veracruz dish I had at a local Mexican restaurant, i created this variation using chicken. Sautéed chicken breasts are topped with...
Enjoy a taste of the season with these festive double chocolate ice cream sandwiches rolled in crushed peppermint candies. Make ice cream sandwiches with...
Canned produce is just as nutritious as fresh and frozen, and in some cases even better! The canned tomatoes in this hearty dish contain more of the healthful...
A versatile side or main course, black bean soup is a classic dish from Cuba that is enjoyed throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. Black bean soup...
Our Chipotle Shrimp recipe is perfect for everything from weeknight dinners to entertaining. The flavorful marinade comes together in just minutes. Brushing...
Your favorite spaghetti sauce gets a delicious make over when combined with cream cheese and cooked ground beef. It's mixed with hot cooked spaghetti for...
Flatbreads topped with chicken breast, mushrooms, and Alfredo sauce. Prepare ahead by thawing bread dough in the refrigerator overnight. This recipe was...
Looking for an easy side dish? Our recipe for Easy Refried Beans has only 3 ingredients and is ready in just 15 minutes. It doesn't get much easier than...